Following the Eugene Diamond League held on May 30th, 2015, the Day 3 Results for our #DiamondRaceContest are OUT!!

Day 3 Overall standings for fantasy diamond race for Eugene

Top Sprinters (Bambo Akani’s team) is our league leader with 475 points, with Yemi Olus’ Pacesetters team following closely in 2nd place with 427 points, and Attah Innocent’s team is 3rd with 422 points!

If you have not joined the League yet, see all the instructions you need to join here. The sooner the better, as the deadline to play for Day 4 for the Rome Diamond League is June 4th!

Bambo had strong picks all round earning him top position in the MoC league.

The overall leader across the whole world after Day 3 still remains Tobias Burkhardt’s Team on 566 points, with three Meet Records, one of which was Captain Genzebe Dibaba, five other 1st place finishers, and one 2nd place finisher!

The first 3 in the MoC League all time are two MoC Staff – Bambo who is our CEO/Founder, Yemi who is one of our Senior Writers at MoC and a non-MoC staff Attah Innocent who is in third place. Nearly all the 10 MoC Staff teams ranked highly in the 41 teams in the MoC League, but there were actually 10 players who scored zero points on Day 3, as they failed to pick any athletes for their teams before the deadline for Eugene on Saturday!

AIRTIME WINNERS for #DiamondRaceContest DAY 3

There will be ₦3,000 Airtime available to the public each Diamond League Day, so who were the Top 3 finishers on Day 3 in the MoC League who are not MoC staff, and how will the Airtime be shared?

Day 3 actual standings for Eugene Diamond League

1st – Edwin Peter’s Team – 205 points
2nd – Arowolo Emmanuel’s Team – 170 points
3rd – Musa Deji’s Team – 167 points

The prizes for the Top 3 are ₦1500, ₦1000 & ₦500 Airtime respectively, to a phone number of your choice within Nigeria. To redeem your Airtime, please email [email protected] with your name, team name, phone number and network to send the Airtime, and also your facebook, twitter and instagram names so that we can tag you whenever we announce the results and you’ve won!

The start list for the next meet in Rome is now out, so go ahead and make your team transfers. Ensure you follow Makingofchamps on Social media for fresh updates.

For those who missed picking the 9 athletes on their team for Do, Shanghai and Eugene another opportunity is here! There are 14 Diamond League Days altogether, so there is still plenty of time to catch up and WIN the fantastic merchandise on offer to the public at the end of the Diamond League if you can claw your way back and finish among the Top 3 players by September!

Good luck all, as we cross our fingers for the next meet!

Call him The #SocialMediaDoctor. Jesse is the Social Media Manager at Making Of Champs. A Digital Marketing expert and trainer, blogger and speaker, he was a Social Media Week Lagos 2015 event partner where he hosted sessions on Podcasting and Using Twitter for business. Asides earning a Degree in Computer Sciences from the University of Lagos, he is a Certified E-business Professional. He specializes in helping businesses find their unique voices in the online space. As an aside, he is a singer par excellence, avid reader and summarily a web geek. He blogs at


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