The Norwegian city of Oslo, marked the end of the first-half of the Diamond League season. Here are the Day 7 Results for our #DiamondRaceContest in the MoC league.

Oslo was a somewhat lukewarm outing for most players, as no one was smart enough to pick Dafne Schippers as Team Captain, who was the only athlete that set a Meet Record in the city.

Our league leader R Sigma (Sigma Team) seems unstoppable, as he accumulated a massive 1268 points to maintain his lead position, with Javier Sanz (jss’s Team) taking back his 2nd position from Yemi Olus (Pacesetters) with 1191 points, while Pacesetters moved a step down to 3rd with 1189 points.

League after Day 7

Kenya’s Hyvin Kiyeng was the choice captain for R Sigma, who expectedly recorded a win. He also had seven other winners including Dafne Schippers who as stated earlier set an MR.

Javier Sanz also had the same picks as R Sigma, except for him picking Sandra Perkovic as Team Captain, while Yemi Olus who would have also toed in the same line, was not so lucky in picking Lavern Spencer who gave her just one point.

On the World League tables, David Ferrer moved from 2nd position last week to top the table with 1271 points, while our league leader R Sigma, took giant leaps from 5th position last week to finish runner-up with 1268 points. @JulRouliane completed the top three with 1267 points.

AIRTIME WINNERS for #DiamondRaceContest DAY 7


There will be ₦3,000 Airtime available to the public each Diamond League Day, so who were the Top 3 finishers on Day 1 in the MoC League who are not MoC staff, and how will the Airtime be shared?

Day 7 Standings

1st – Hammed Yusuf  – 160 points

2nd – Christian Okafor – 158 points

3rd – Kingsley Aliu – 157 points

The prizes for the Top 3 are ₦1500, ₦1000 & ₦500 Airtime respectively, to a phone number of your choice within Nigeria.

Remember to start making your team transfers for Stockholm Diamond League. For those who missed picking the 9 athletes on their team for Oslo, now is the time to do it for Stockholm! WIN the fantastic merchandise on offer to the public at the end of the Diamond League if you can claw your way back and finish among the Top 3 players by September!

Good luck all, and may the best players win!

Funmi Fameso is a Junior Sports Writer at Making of Champions. She is a 2012 Graduate of Lagos State University, where she obtained a BSc in Microbiology. She worked as a Health Centre Laboratory Assistant during her NYSC year and since then she has worked as a Junior Sports Writer for her church’s youth magazine, Kingsword Youth Club Magazine. It was watching the Sydney 2000 Olympics that ignited her passion of sports, most especially Athletics. Sports means three things to her: Passion, Hard Work and Dedication!


  1. Please am Christian Okafor and I didn’t receive any airtime bonus,for I came second at day 7 meet. Please my phone number is 09051877728. Thanks for reading


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